


  • 项目类型:展示空间
  • 项目面积:566m²
  • 完成时间:2018年12月

EMTEK·信测是从事Safety、EMC、Toy Physical & Chemical等检测、认证的第三方技术服务机构。其委托我们设计的信测展厅是一个集检测和展示于一体的公共性展厅,大众可以在此全方位了解第三方检测技术、讨论科技、交流学习。在信测的展厅设计中,我们试图以“家”的概念打造空间。品牌检测展品在四个不同的“家“中展示,在原本通敞空洞的办公楼间层植入了一个“错落有致,屋舍俨然“的展示空间。通过简单的建筑语言,我们创造了一个丰富的空间序列,使不同的客户得以在其中漫游,思考,学习。空间是凝固的符号。正如设计以多样探索赋予空间更大的想象力,它也有高低起伏的变化。为了引导访客进内流连,我们引入了一系列线性墙体,沿着场地空间往互折叠,不断延伸,分隔出朝内或朝外的独立区域。

EMTEK· Chemical testing is a third-party technical service organization engaged in testing and certification of Safety, EMC, Toy Physical & Chemical, etc. Entrusted by the company, the exhibition hall of letter testing is a public exhibition hall integrating testing and display, where the public can fully understand the third-party testing technology, discuss technology, and exchange and learn. In the design of the exhibition hall, we try to create a space with the concept of "home". Brand test exhibits are displayed in four different "homes", and a "well-arranged, house-like" exhibition space is implanted in the originally open and empty office building. Through simple architectural language, we create a rich sequence of Spaces in which different clients can roam, think and learn. Space is a symbol of solidification. Just as design endow space with greater imagination through diverse exploration, it also has its ups and downs. In order to guide visitors inside, we introduced a series of linear walls that fold and extend along the site space, separating the separate areas facing in and out.