A SURPRISE TO YOU美发店,不迎合却有温度

A SURPRISE TO YOU美发店,不迎合却有温度


  • 项目类型:商业空间、品牌美发店
  • 项目面积:128m²
  • 完成时间:2020年4月


Make full use of the soft lines in the space, hoping to give the most relaxing and comfortable feeling, without catering to but with temperature. The pure white space, in the hustle and bustle of the city, is incompetent but has its own personality, simple but not dysfunctional. Functional zones: front desk, ironing and dyeing area, hair cutting area, storage area, washing area, rest area, deployment area, toilet, staff room. The head of the main entrance door is presented with an extreme arc surface, hoping to become the focal point of vision. The walk-in entrance enhances the sense of ritual for guests. The use of light and shadow has a direct connection with people's emotions. The imagined entrance is a soft and comfortable space that makes guests put their guard down. In terms of the distinction between functional sections, the reception desk is used as an independent section. Separate from the modeling area, so that guests have a better consumption experience.
