


  • 项目类型:展示空间
  • 项目面积:230m²
  • 完成时间:2018年10月

阿慕王地板源自于意大利1879年——I'm One 只为舒适而生。阿慕王始终秉承“以优于国内、国际标准的厂控标准,全力把最优最好最合理的地板交给客户,让每个客户买得放心、用的舒心。但要将一个消费者眼中的商业价值空间变成他的心动空间,便要在五感、触觉上下功夫。家居新时代孕育了家居“新零售”,而其核心取决于线下客户的沉浸式体验。如果五感体系全面覆盖感官,用户便能够获得最佳的沉浸式体验,同时赋予卖场更多的隐形价值。阿慕王品牌展示设计,从客户角度的出发,立足于购买行为的五层心理理论,“从引起注意、引发兴趣与关心、产生购买欲望、留下记忆点到最终产生购买行为”,所有的合理布局,为空间赋予“展示、体验及互动”的沉浸式购物体验。客户讲的我们都懂,客户不说的我们也懂,因为阿慕王足够专业。

King Amu flooring originated in Italy in 1879 -- I'm One was made for comfort. Amu King has always been adhering to the "better than the domestic and international standards of factory control standards, to the best and most reasonable floor to customers, so that each customer can buy at ease, comfortable. But to make the commercial value space in the eyes of a consumer into his heart space, it is necessary to make efforts in five senses, touch. The new age of home furnishes the "new retail" of home furnishing, whose core depends on the immersive experience of offline customers. If the five-sense system covers all senses, users can get the best immersive experience and give the store more invisible value. Ah mu king brand display design, starting from the customer perspective, based on the five layers of purchase behavior theory of mind, "from the attention and interest and concern, desire, memory, to eventually produce purchase behavior", all of the reasonable layout, for the space given "display, experience and interaction" immersive shopping experience. What the customer says we all understand, the customer does not say we also understand, because Amu king is enough professional.
